
Vitamin D October 15, 2020

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is a nutrient found in some foods like fatty fish that can be added to your diet as a supplement. Our body makes vitamin D when our skin is directly exposed to the sun, and most people meet at least some of their vitamin D needs this way. Vitamin D is required […]

Up to 75% of AE patients see a psychiatrist first October 29, 2020

We had the pleasure of having psychiatrist Stephen Rush, MD discuss the role of psychiatry in AE at our recent Midwest Support Group meeting. Dr. Rush is an Associate professor of Psychiatry and the Medical Director of Ambulatory Services at the University of Cincinnati Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience. In his practice he not […]

AEA Community 2021 Seed Grant Program December 10, 2020

The AE Alliance is pleased to announce its inauguration of the AEA Community 2021 Seed Grant Program to support research focused on the diagnosis, management, and outcomes of individuals with AE. We will be awarding multiple grants of $10,000 in 2021. As the name implies, this program is a true community effort. In May 2020 […]

Association of Rituximab Use With Adverse Events February 24, 2021

A study done at Texas Children’s Hospital looked at the use of Rituximab for young people and its short- or long-term adverse events, infections, or recovery time of B lymphocyte subset counts and immunoglobulin levels. The study led by Dr. McAtee involved patients younger than 21 years receiving Rituximab for more than 25 indications, including […]

AE Alliance Awards First Grant July 30, 2013

The Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance awarded its first grant to the Autoimmune Brain Disease Program at Duke University Children’s Hospital.  Co-directors of the Program, Dr. William Gallentine, Pediatric Neurology and Dr. Heather van Mater, Pediactric Rhuematology, accepted the grant and will use the funding to advance their ground-breaking, multidisciplinary clinic and related research.  The $11,000 grant […]

Paraneoplastic encephalitis, psychiatric symptoms, and hypoventilation in ovarian teratoma February 27, 2021

Paraneoplastic anti-N-methyl-D aspartate receptor encephalitis associated with ovarian teratoma February 27, 2021

Limbic encephalitis and variants: classification, diagnosis and treatment. February 27, 2021,.3.aspx

Anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis: case series and analysis of effects of antibodies February 27, 2021

Limbic encephalitis and variants related to neuronal cell membrane autoantigens February 27, 2021