World Encephalitis Day is the global awareness day for people who have been directly or indirectly affected by encephalitis.
Founded by The Encephalitis Society in the UK in 2014, it is held on February 22 each year and has reached over 80 million people in the past five years. The color associated with this day is red and we encourage you to wear something red that day. The Encephalitis Society has just launched their Brainwalk 2019 app, so you can join and start walking around the world to locations which are relevant to encephalitis, be it through research or awareness. To download, simply visit the App store on your phone.
The AE Alliance will help raise awareness for autoimmune encephalitis in the weeks leading up to World Encephalitis Day. You will be able to share a digital postcard filled with information on AE with your families and friends on social media and ask them to do the same, creating a chain reaction. Many people go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, so creating awareness helps save lives.