Florence Forth Virtual: A How To From The Experts! #2

February 1, 2022

Thank you Rachael for sharing your 2021 Florence Forth Virtual experience!

We decided the best way for you to understand what it means to participate in the Florence Forth Virtual event is to ask the experts.

What makes someone an expert? They’ve done it!

AE Warrior Rachael - Florence Forth Virtual 2021

Q1 What did you enjoy about the 2021 Virtual Florence Forth event?

A1 The fact that it was virtual helped me feel connected to the community. I really could not have participated otherwise.

Q2 Who did you run for last year?

A2 Myself and the members of the AEA West Coast Support Group

Q3 What are you doing differently for the 2022 event?

A3 I know about the event further in advance this year, I was new to all of this last year, so I can get my team started sooner.

Q4 What advice would you give a new Florence Forth Virtual participant?

A4 Just because you are not with the big in person group, don’t be afraid to have fun with it. Dress up! Make signs!

Q5 What does the cape mean to you?

A5 It means two things for me. One, for those of us who are patients who are participating it’s a warriors cape. We fight day to day to be able to continue be part of our own lives. It’s a symbol of our armor.  For those who walk in support of AE patients they are heroes helping to uplift and care for patients.

Q6 One of the reasons for the Florence Forth Road Race & for the AE Alliance is to increase awareness, what would you like people to know about AE?

A6 AE is not one size fits all. How AE presents and how AE is treated can vary from person to person. Invaliding a patient because they don’t fit a textbook description causes a lot of harm.

Q7 What’s your #1 Tip for Success with the virtual event?

A7  Pace yourself for what you can do. Be your biggest cheerleader!

Q8 Anything else you want to share?

A8 While this is a fund raising event, the goal is also to raise awareness. Don’t over stress about the money you bring in. Any amount always helps. Money and awareness are both equally important.

Hope you join us for the 2022 Florence Forth Virtual Event. We look forward to seeing your pictures.

#FlorenceForth #CapeMomentsAE #irunfor