Thank you Team Fledderjohn for sharing your 2021 Florence Forth Virtual experience! We decided the best way for you to understand what it means to participate in the Florence Forth Virtual event is to ask the experts. What makes someone an expert? They’ve done it! Q1 What did you enjoy about the 2021 Virtual Florence […]
AE Alliance and Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy SREAT Alliance (HESA) are excited to announce the virtual conference: ‘Autoimmune Encephalitis: Building Bridges.’ The aim of this conference is to enhance patient care and improve outcomes for those affected by AE, by promoting a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. ‘Building Bridges’, is a place to exchange ideas, […]
Meet Lisa! (Video production by Jack Chipman, On Saturday, March 6, 2021, AE Alliance will organize the 9th annual Florence Forth run/walk in Durham, NC and kick off the first virtual Florence Forth run! Will and Leslie McDow started the Florence Forth run’/walk to commemorate the day that their six-year-old daughter Florence died from […]
Our family has always been a running family. A jogging stroller lived on our porch or dining room for years. We ran when full time jobs became stressful, while Laura and Florence napped as babies, and just exercising our dog. When Florence fell ill with an unknown disease at age two, we increased our running […]