World Encephalitis Day is February, 22, each year – just remember 222. This is a day for all of us affected by encephalitis, whether we are patients, family members, doctors, researchers, or caregivers, to come together and talk about our experiences with brain inflammation and the many forms it takes. While we at the Autoimmune […]
Today The Lancet released an important paper from Dr. Dalmau et al., providing the first broadly accepted criteria for diagnosing autoimmune encephalitis. Included in the paper are guidelines for diagnosing anti-body negative AE, a frustratingly difficult subset of AE cases to diagnose and thus treat. Many of the paper’s authors attended the International Symposium on Autoimmune […]
World Encephalitis Day (“WED”) is celebrated every February 22 – just remember 222. While we at the Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance focus on autoimmune encephalitis, we are so happy to join in supporting all of those affecting by any form of encephalitis. To show your support for those with encephalitis of all types, wear the color red […]