We decided the best way for you to understand what it means to participate in the Florence Forth Virtual event is to ask the experts.
What makes someone an expert? They’ve done it!
Q1 What did you enjoy about the 2021 Virtual Florence Forth event?
A1 Could still be part of this great event because we were able to join virtually.
Q2 Who did you run for last year?
A2 We walked for our son, Alex who has AE.
Q3 What are you doing differently for the 2022 event?
A3 Hoping to get more people to join us virtually. Whether there or here we are united in the cause.
Q4 What advice would you give a new Florence Forth Virtual participant?
A4 Go at your own pace and remember every step you take, a difference it will make…for those with AE.
Q5 What does the cape mean to you?
A5 Two types of Superhero’s wear capes. Those that think about how they can take action and help others. And those that are strong and brave fighting with AE!
Q6 One of the reasons for the Florence Forth Road Race & for the AE Alliance is to increase awareness, what would you like people to know about AE?
A6 It is a horrible disease and with proper diagnosis and early treatments, one may have a better outcome!
Q7 What’s your #1 Tip for Success with the virtual event?
A7 Join the team. Participate whether that’s here or there, running or walking. Know that we are so thankful you participated and are giving hope to those with AE.
Q8 Anything else you want to share?
A8 Last year it took my husband and I twice as long to finish our virtual walk because of complications from his rare disease. No matter the timing, our hearts were united to all and this cause. As we say…we walk on, walk on together. Together is the key word! Run or Walk…Here or There…Let’s do this!
Hope you join us for the 2022 Florence Forth Virtual Event. We look forward to seeing your pictures.
#FlorenceForth #CapeMomentsAE #irunfor