Whittington family continues sharing autoimmune encephalitis story 6 years on

March 23, 2017

Ellen Whittington was 12 years-old when she was first diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis in 2012. At that time, she couldn’t talk or feed herself. Now, 17 year-old Ellen is a high school student and doing much better. Her family was interviewed by local NBC affiliate WRAL, as an update to their original story.

Ellen with her family and friends at Florence Forth.

Ellen and her family were also featured in AEA’s production, “Across the Starting Line,” a powerful short film about AE. Five years later, her family continues to educate people on the disease. Ellen’s father, Brian, recently gave a presentation at Campbell University.

Ellen and her sister.

We are thankful for Ellen’s continued recovery,  and for the Whittington’s support of AEA and their participation in Florence Forth. Thank you for continuing to share so much with so many to raise awareness of AE. All the very best to our friends the Whittingtons!